About "Dream Cafe"

Man Discovers Why He's Still Single in Innovative Comedy "Dream Cafe"

Brian wants to fall in love with his soulmate but there always seems to be something standing in his way -- usually another man. In "Dream Cafe", you'll get a glimpse at his struggling love life through a series of six scenes. But what makes this comedy different from anything else you've likely ever seen is that the audience -- including you -- gets to decide what order you'll see those scenes in. That means every night feels like a completely different show, but each performance is a poignant and insightful look at love today, from online dating to one-night stands. This grown-up version of a choose-your-own-adventure book playing at the Stone Cottage Theatre in Addison will make you laugh, make you think, and make you want to come back again and again to see each spin on Brian's touching story.
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