
Observe Dallas 2016 Master Class Workshop - Student Exhibition

500 X Gallery Inc
Sat Aug 6 7pm - 9pm Ages: family friendly
Artsstreet art#dallas
Richard Andrew Sharum

About Observe Dallas 2016 Master Class Workshop - Student Exhibition

Dallas photographers are invited to attend a special Master Class Workshop this August, sponsored and hosted by #ObserveDallas2015participant 211 Ervay St. downtown, as an extension of the annualObserve Dallas downtown photography project, now in its third year. Taught by photojournalist/street photographer Richard Andrew Sharum, the creative mind behind #ObserveDallas2015,the workshop will take place this August in efforts to foster a robust documentary-style street photography community here in Dallas-Fort Worth and encourage the community to create more public art that the general public can engage with on a regular basis. Photographers ages 18 and up are encouraged to apply and the class is limited to 12 students. To reserve your space as a student for the Observe Dallas Master Class Workshop this August, you must apply by July 20. Interested parties can find more information about applying here online and the cost is $150 per student. TheObserve Dallas Master Class Workshop will begin at 10 a.m.on Tuesday, Aug. 2 and end at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6,followed by a free and open to the public after party and student exhibition at 500x Gallery from 7 to 9 p.m. that evening.

“My intention with this workshop is to continue the idea of Observe Dallas and help foster the idea of critical thinking and awareness with a camera,” said Sharum. “With #ObserveDallas2015I was attempting to express empathy not just for my subjects but the space they inhabit, the same space we all walk in every day. By bringing in a collection of local documentary/street photographers to work with, it gives them an opportunity to share their observations and found stories with the public under the Observe Dallas experiment.”

Aiming to assist students in developing their personal projects through individual tutorials, mini assignments,experimentation, and group reviews, the Observe Dallas Master ClassWorkshop is aimed at photographers with an ongoing body of work. By challenging, guiding and pushing students to explore new responses to their ideas and seek out visual stories in Dallas, Sharum hopes to foster a robust documentary-style street photography community here in Dallas-Fort Worth and further define each participant’s visual language and unique photographic approach. Students will be encouraged to approach image-making and storytelling in new and exciting ways in a collaborative classroom environment.

Free Event