
Punk Rock Karaoke DFW

Three Links
Sat Feb 21 6pm - 9pm Ages: 21+

About Punk Rock Karaoke DFW

KLB-PRK- Dallas Song List and stuff.

We're should be too. Part of a weekend of events, kick it off with Punk Rock Karaoke at Three Links for Happy Hour Friday the 13th from 6 to 9 pm. This is a wicked good time, you should go scream along to your tunes with a live band backing you up. Jump on the stage and let it rip. song list will be posted soon.

1. Bring the insanity, let it out. Be “that” person. Lose your F’ng mind. Leave it on the stage, zero fear, zero concern, you’re among friends here.... Sing (scream) it as if it’s the last time you’ll get the chance, the songs are built for that kinda shit. It’s hard to slow walk Where Eagles Dare or Kid's Don't Follow...once you start it, you’ll slide into turbo. With that in mind…think about this…..

2. It will be louder than you imagined, we will be playing faster than you expected, it will be more intense than you thought it would be, 3 minutes will actually feel like 1. It will fly by kiddos, so enjoy the hell out of it while it’s happening And the best way for that to happen is....

3. KNOW the song. Ya gotta choose a song you know very well, choose one you’ve been singing forever in the car, in your head, in the shower at the wall.... You go full speed, we go full speed. But…you gotta know the song for that to happen. We’ll provide lyrics, but it’s not a large screen scroll like a karaoke bar. This is a stage, this is a club, and you’re the singer. Colin will be right there though to keep you rolling should you get a bit off base. Easy. So, now you’re saying….

4. “Hey Man, how does this work”? Well, it’s first to sign up, first up to the mic. Once the sheet fills up, it’s locked for the night. We’re only slinging this stuff from 6:15 to 9:00PM, and then Three Links rolls on doing what they do, until we return. So, that being said…..take some time with the song list on the Facebook page (before the date), pick your top 3 (why top 3?) well, what if someone beat you to it…have a backup, sign in, check to see if the song you want to do is still available, hang out, have some beers, have a shot, eat a taco, applaud at the right time, scream at the right time and when Colin calls your name, enter the stage. He’ll introduce you, we will start the song, it will be loud, he will cue you to start and then you will literally rip the heads off everyone in the crowd. "Hey man what if I get there at 8:00? Well, if there's slots available on the sheet you're golden, sign in and have a beer.

5. Hey, since you’re doing this…Get someone to video it, have someone take pictures but most importantly…Enjoy your funky ass self, make a memory and all the stuff...


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